Managing your braces & Invisalign during COVID-19
March 18th, 2020
With the recent outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), dental and orthodontic offices around the nation are closing due to recommendations by the American Dental Association. While offices remain open for emergency care, many people have questions about how to manage their ongoing orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign. Here are a few guidelines to help you out : )
- Wash your hands very often!
- Orthodontic treatment involves putting your hands in your mouth. Whether you are placing rubber bands, wax, retainers, or an Invisalign clear aligner, you need to put your hands in your mouth. You should be washing your hands for at least 20 seconds BEFORE AND AFTER putting your hands in your mouth. Additionally, you should be washing your hands, in general, more often.
- If you can't wash your hands, use hand sanitizer
- If soap and water are not available, be sure you use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content. Rub all surfaces of your hands well.
- Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands
- Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Stay at home and follow the CDC guidelines for social distancing
- The illness is spread by close contact with other people or via droplets in the air. Please do not use this time away from work or school to spend time with friends and family. Many people who have the virus do not know it!
- If you are getting sick, contact your medical health care provider for help.
- If you are sick, first and foremost, stay away from others so you do not spread the illness to them. Contact your medical professional for advice on what to do next. They are your best resource of information on where to go to get help.
For any significant pain or concern, please call or email Dr. Zach as we are still available to help you out. Here are some common questions we are getting about braces, Invisalign, and retainers:
- Should I wear my rubber bands?
- Yes! For now continue to wear rubber bands as instructed to continue your progress.
- What if I run out of rubber bands?
- Call or email our office - we can arrange a pick up!
- What should I do if I have a broken brace?
- If you are not in pain, you can attempt to remove the brace or place wax on it to stabilize the brace. If it is causing a significant discomfort that makes it difficult to eat or sleep, please call us and we can arrange an emergency visit to get you comfortable. Unfortunately at this time, we cannot fix broken braces but we can get you comfortable again.
- What should I do if I am in pain?
- Call or email our office - we will set up an emergency appointment to adjust the braces to get you comfortable again.
- Will the COVID-19 shut down delay my treatment?
- It depends on how long we are closed, but in the meantime, make sure you do the following:
- Continue to brush your teeth 3 times per day
- Avoid hard and sticky foods to ensure nothing is broken
- Wear your rubber bands as instructed
- It depends on how long we are closed, but in the meantime, make sure you do the following:
- What if I have a question or something does not seem right?
- Call or email us - Dr. Zach is available for questions : )
- Other tips:
- Dispose of your used rubber bands and wax properly - do not put them on counters or clean surfaces
- Since you are home, brush your teeth and floss them more often. Be sure to wash your hands before and after
- Avoid sugary drinks to protect your teeth from white spots
- Should I continue to wear my aligners?
- Yes! For now, continue to wear aligners as instructed to continue your progress.
- If I have rubber bands, should I wear those too?
- Yes! For now continue to wear rubber bands as instructed to continue your progress.
- What if I run out of aligners?
- Please give us a call and we can arrange a pick up if we have more in the office. In the event it was the last of the box, we will have to wait for another 3D scan to order more. If you are on your last aligner for awhile, please be sure to clean it more often.
- Can I clean them with soap and water?
- Yes! You can use hand soap to clean your aligners with cold water.
- What if something does not seem right?
- Give us a call or send an email - Dr. Zach is available for questions : )
- Other tips:
- Clean and brush your aligners more often during this time
- Clean your Invisalign retainer case often
- Be sure to carry your hand sanitizer with you
- Do not set your Invisalign down on any unclean surfaces
- Should I keep turning the expander?
- No, at this time, if you have not been instructed to continue your turns, you should stop and wait until your next appointment with Dr. Zach.
- Is it OK to leave it in place?
- Yes. The expander is usually in for 9-10 months.
- What if my child was due to have it removed during the closure?
- Please be patient and sit tight. A few extra weeks will not cause any harm.
- What if it is causing pain or discomfort?
- Please call our office and we will be happy to help you out : )
- Should I continue to wear my retainer?
- Yes! Please continue as instructed by Dr. Zach
- Can I clean my retainer with soap and water?
- Yes! You can use hand soap and cold water to clean your retainer. It is a good idea at this time to keep it as clean as possible. You should clean both before and after using it.
- What if I lost my retainer?
- If you lost your retainer and you have your 3D printed model of your teeth, please give us a call and we may be able to make you a new one. We would have to arrange a drop-off/pick-up.
- Other tips:
- Clean and brush your retainers more often during this time
- Clean your retainer case often
- Do not set your retainers down on any unclean surfaces
If there is any other question you have, let us know! We are here to help you and we can't wait to see your smile again : )