Palatal Expander

palatal expander modelThe palatal expander widens the upper jaw by putting gentle pressure on the upper molars each time an adjustment is made. Palatal expanders help to fix narrow jaws and create room for crowded or blocked out teeth.

The animation below will show you how to adjust your expander. Dr. Zach and his team will provide more specific instructions on the expander if one is needed.

Click here for answers to common questions about palatal expanders

Click here for a video review of palatal expander instructions and home care

Click here for a video review on how to turn the patalal expander at home

Click here for a video review on troubleshooting the expander if you cannot find the next hold to turn it

Adjusting the palatal expander

You can also download these instructions in a printable PDF document.

Step 1

Step 1

In a well-lit area, tip your child’s head back.

Step 2

Step 2

Place the key in the hole until it is firmly in place.

Step 3

Step 3

Push the key toward the back of the mouth. You will notice the screw will rotate and the new hole will appear. The rotation stops when the key meets the back of the expander.

Step 4

Step 4

Press back and down toward the tongue to remove the key. The next hole for insertion of the key should now be visible.

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